Wednesday, March 19, 2014

L Minus Two

We're close enough to departure to contemplate victory. Our dream that was inspired by our first visit to the Adirondacks 27 years ago will soon be realized.

 "To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom." - Emerson

"Life is a journey, not a destination" is the succinct misattribution of Emerson's quote. My reaction to achieving significant goals is ambivalence. I used to think that was disturbingly odd, then I grew to accept it as merely eccentric, but now I think it's just normal. Why waste time and energy looking back on achievements when there are so many other opportunities to explore and grow?

The wilderness is a constant challenge, especially to urbanized sunbelt flatlanders. There are many situations that appear utterly hopeless at first. That's the usual cue to give up and do something else. But if you persist the wilderness will relent and you'll figure out how to manage what seemed impossible. So that'll be our next journey - preparing for an overwinter.

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