Friday, March 28, 2014

Catching Up

It's been a productive week. Not hectic or overwhelming, but productive. We have to trudge up the driveway because our driveway is buried in about a half foot of snow. If the truck gets stuck we'll need a bigger one to drag it out and we're not taking any chances. I rather like the walk anyway, it's terrific exercise especially when hauling stuff uphill. We never make the trip empty handed, here's S with a typical load.

Here's a view of the cabin as it first appeared Sunday morning. It was a beautiful sight.

This is the new firehouse under construction in Upper Jay. It'll be completed in May. I'm going to a meeting at the old one, next to the river, on Tuesday to meet the firefighters and check on joining the VFD.

And here are the movers, Bryan and Kenny, utterly reliable and they did a very competent job on both ends of the move. We're all moved in.

S also found a terrific spot to board the horses, just a couple of miles away. We've also met several neighbors - after living in nice but impersonal areas it's nice to get to know the people in the community. 

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