Thursday, January 16, 2014

Gardening in the North Country

One of our first projects upon arrival in March - only a couple of months away - is to build a raised bed garden. S has been poring over the seed catalogs and we've been reading everything we can on gardening. We're confident that we'll be successful, given S's experience and our ability to tend to the garden instead of scheduling it between a job and other distractions. 

The best construction guide I found thus far is on Sunset's site. Our beds will be 4 by 8 feet and will look something like this: is a good website for determining the location of the plants and it has many other functions, such as an automated planner and to-do list. We're using it as a guide, knowing we'll iterate a bit once we get started. 

We have to carefully consider fencing, both perimeter and at the base of the bed. Deer and moles are just two of many critters who would love to devour our plants.

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