Friday, May 2, 2014


Soupe au Pistou

There are many versions of pistou and perhaps this one is not authentic French Provençal pistou. But I did make it in Paris and our Parisian friend declared it excellent.

Start by mincing a goodly amount of garlic then add some more and mince that. Dice an onion and sauté in olive oil and cumin seeds. Add salt so the onions behave properly. Don't measure anything, just eyeball the quantities. Over-measuring leads to underperforming.

Next, cut and clean a leek or two. I cut them in half lengthwise then in half again crosswise. Then I fan them out and clean them carefully, using plenty of water because the stalks seem to trap sand. Chop up some celery and a carrot or two, then add all that to the onions when they are translucent or start to brown. Add the garlic, turn down the heat and stir until the carrots soften up a bit. 

Add vegetable bouillon and a can or two of cannellini beans, a large can of diced tomatoes and a couple of diced potatoes. Don't dice everything the same size, this is a rustic dish, not an institutional formulation. The bouillon should cover everything by about an inch. Add thyme, lots of it, and other spices that you like such as oregano. I add cumin. Bring to a boil then let it simmer for awhile. Stir occasionally, tasting as you go and adjusting seasonings. 

When the potatoes are softened (check them with a fork, if they are crunchy then they aren't done), add a half box of penne or so, give it a while to cook and serve with a salad.

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