Daniel Island is marketed for its exclusivity and a lot of people around here think it's the best place on earth. I suppose it can be, if you overlook a few eccentricities. One is an obsession with leaves and landscaping. An army of landscapers descends on the neighborhood twice a week, accompanied by all types of gas powered blowers and trimmers. They march down the street, trimming and blowing away all vestiges of inelegant growth.
We're conditioned to believe that nature has to conform to our boundaries, and our homes should uniformly match the ideal of Disney with a lawn like a golf course. So lawns, parks and sidewalks are battlegrounds for the landscape army. It looks and sounds like a battle, workers in uniform, elaborate equipment, attacking the enemy - overgrown shrubs and fallen leaves. When they are finished everything looks just so. Something about it seems wrong - the waste of fuel, the noise, the waste of labor, and all that debris that probably ends up in a landfill. I want to live in a park, but not Disney World's version of it.
Anyway, I won't miss the Landscape Army. Another social oddity I won't miss is the practice of leaving dog poop in the (Chinese manufactured) poop bags. It's rather common for the dog owners to go through the effort of bagging the poop, then leave it for someone else to toss into a trash can. Most dog owners are rather fastidious about cleaning up and disposing the poop. But I still see these little poop bags all over the place around here, and I certainly won't miss them after we move.
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